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Lorem ipsum scelerisque molestie id molestie magna ante etiam sollicitudin tempus consectetur conubia, urna eros nunc curabitur viverra rutrum tortor luctus torquent mollis est dictum euismod.We love products that work perfectly and look beautiful.We create base on a deeply analysis of your project.We are create design with really high quality standards.

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Tomas Hjelström, Chief Analyst.
Tomas is responsible for the company’s different valuation models. He is Chief Analyst at Valuation Företagsvärderingar, which handles 70% of all valuations of small and medium-sized businesses in Sweden.
Tomas is also well-known as a researcher. He holds a PhD, and his research includes issues regarding business valuations, the effect of ownership structures on pricing and how the valuation of businesses is affected by different accounting methods.
He is also a lecturer and course supervisor at Stockholm School of Economics. He also works at SSE Executive Education. Tomas was previously a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley.
Tomas Hjelström, Chief Analyst
Tomas is responsible for the company’s different valuation models. He holds a PhD and is a researcher and lecturer at Stockholm School of Economics into issues regarding business valuations.
Find out more about Tomas >


Jan Ohlsson, partner and founder. 
Jan has a background in the Nordic business and credit information market.
Jan was part of the Nordic management team at Soliditet and Dun & Bradstreet from the 1980s. His duties included responsibility for developing the AAA rating, the Nordic region’s first credit rating system.
Jan also runs Valuation Företagsvärderingar. Valuation Företagsvärderingar currently handles 70% of all valuations of small and medium-sized businesses in Sweden.
Jan Ohlsson, partner and founder
Jan has a background in the business and credit information market. For example, he was in charge of developing the AAA credit rating in the Nordic region. For the past 10 years he has run Valuation Företagsvärderingar.
Find out more about Jan >


Johan Pokorny, partner and founder.
Johan has a BSBA majoring in finance from Boston University in the US and has worked at Dun & Bradstreet and Stockholm-based financial companies. At Dun & Bradstreet, Johan was responsible for BMS product development and was also part of the Global Sales Team.
Johan later became a joint founder of UC Ekonomipublikationer AB (part of the market-leading UC Group).
For the past 10 years Johan has run Valuation Företagsvärderingar. Valuation Företagsvärderingar handles 70% of all valuations of small and medium-sized businesses in Sweden.
Johan Pokorny, partner and founder
Johan has a BSBA majoring in finance from Boston University in the US and has worked at Dun & Bradstreet and Stockholm-based financial companies. For the past 10 years he has run the company Valuation Företagsvärderingar.
Find out more about Johan >


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