About BisValue

We help discover your company's value

Business valuations are an important tool for checking how your business is doing. And to find out what needs to be done.

But despite the clear benefits offered, many businesses are reluctant to carry out proper business valuations. The reason is simple. Business valuations are often both costly and time-consuming, and often involve accountants, contact with banks and external consultants. This affects smaller companies in particular.

We think that’s a shame. Business valuations are just like any health check. To benefit, you need to do it in good time. Only then do you have the opportunity to make the changes needed to increase your valuation.

Company value Bisvalue

Affordable and automated digital business valuation services

That’s why we founded BisValue ‒ to do something about this. For the first time we can now offer an entirely digital and largely automated valuation service, providing the answer to your questions within minutes. And at a very low price.

We call ourselves a modern business valuation services. And there’s a reason for that. BisValue combines experience across a range of areas and advanced models from the world of research with the latest digital technology. Together, these elements make it possible to provide an entirely new, global valuation service. A service unlike anything previously on the market.

BisValue is ideal for smaller companies that want to find out how their business is doing and get the tools needed to take the company to the next level.

We help you explore the value of your company. The value you deserve.


Delivered reports.

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Johan Pokorny

Johan has a BSBA majoring in finance from Boston University in the US and has worked at Dun & Bradstreet and Stockholm-based financial companies. For the past 10 years he has run the company Valuation Företagsvärderingar.

Jan Ohlsson

Jan has a background in the business and credit information market. For example, he was in charge of developing the AAA credit rating in the Nordic region. For the past 10 years he has run Valuation Företagsvärderingar.

Tomas Hjelström

Tomas is responsible for the company’s different valuation models. He holds a PhD and is a researcher and lecturer at Stockholm School of Economics into issues regarding business valuations.